Yin Fascial Yoga TTC (25 hrs)

1 Mar 09:00

Samma Karuna

Yin Fascial Yoga TTC (25 hrs)
Focus on Myofascial & 5 elements Qigong!

This training is an in-depth study of fundamentals in Myofascial release and 5 elements system in combination with YIN Yoga.
Through the release of tension & trauma stored in the fascial system, we can bring the body towards its fullest potential. This is a very effective tool to work with trauma release at the Yin yoga classes.
In this training, you will:
learn how to uncover, reveal and release the blockages that are inhibiting the freedom of movement and expression in the physical body caused by energetic stagnation.
Myofascial release with balls and TCM cupping applied in the yoga class
Understand and experience 5 elements lectures and practice through yoga poses
Learn how to put a Yin Fascial Yoga class together with the elements above for effective emotional release
Combining Yin yoga with Qigong
This training is open to anyone with an interest in Yin yoga, Qigong and the Myofascial Release system. Non-teachers are also welcome to join, but some prior experience or background in yin/yoga practice is highly recommended!
About Beta Lisboa and Sai Calder
Beta comes from a background of yoga, Buddhist meditation, bodywork and trauma release work.
Sai brings decades of knowledge and experience in the practice and teachings of Qigong and the 5 Elements System.

Together, they have developed a complete system of
​Dynamic Spiral and Yin Fascial Yoga that they have been sharing and teaching as they travel around the world.

** This workshop must be booked at least 1 day in advance.