Saturday Sunset Spinjam | Community LAB Session

28 Apr 18:30


Zen Beach's sunsets got its charms, But we've got kerozene!
Come to LABracadabra to spin, toss, move and chill with other flow peeps, practice together around a bonfire, share some skills and good vibes!
There's also a DIYed Barbecue you can use !

***** Details *****
Price :
Community LAB Sessions are Free events. However, if you wish to support LABracadabra -and our kerozene supply for this event- you are more than welcome to feed our donation box placed on our main platform's shrine !!

What to Bring :
BYO self, funky style, props of all kinds, kerozene, musician/photografer friends, drinks to share and fruits for shakes.
if you wish to organize a Barbecue at the spinjam, post about it on the event to gather help and resources.

What NOT to Bring :
-PLASTIC BAGS or any kind of disposable containers (food or drinks). LABracadabra is trying very hard to grow into a more sustainable place, and we really need your help on this one !


Community LAB Sessions are Event series hosted by LABracadabra, focusing on sharing love for arts of all kinds . We also organise Makers, DIY and FLow LAB Sessions. Follow us to keep up to date with our upcoming events!

If you'd Like to organize a workshop at LABracadabra, contact us!