University to plant 3000 Cannabis plants to study


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On Wednesday a university in Korat, Northeast Thailand, said that they have started planting marijuana plants as part of research on cannabis-based medicines.

Suranaree University of Technology rector Weerapong Pairsuwan said during a press tour of the college’s greenhouses that up to 3,360 cannabis will be planted, with a harvest of 2 tons to be expected in late this year.

Weerapong said the plants will be used in research to find medical benefits and other benefits of marijuana, especially in Thai traditional remedies.

“This is in accordance with the government’s plan to develop marijuana for medical uses,” the rector said. “And to improve the well-being of the public in a sustainable manner.”

Only qualified members of the staff will be allowed inside the facilities, and any leftover plants will be destroyed.

Under an amended drug law passed in late 2018, a restricted number of professionals are allowed to cultivate marijuana for research purposes.

Source khaosodenglish