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If you want to travel the world and come visit Koh Phangan you either have to save enough money or make money along the way. Once you get here you’ll probably “get stuck” as most people do and never want to leave! You may be in that situation already actually...and wondering “How can I make money so I can stay on this wonderful island for as long as I can?”.
It’s not as difficult as it seems...kind of. Here are some examples of ways you can earn a living while on the go and in a foreign land:
Be an English (or any language) teacher.
You don’t always need to be certified, you just need to be a native speaker.
Hospitality jobs.
Resorts, hotels, and hostels like to order international staff to make their guests feel more comfortable. Some places will offer a trade - a bed for a few hours of work per day. So even if you don’t make money you can save a lot with accommodation.
Online freelance work.
There are agencies online that serve as platforms connecting freelancers with people and companies who need work done. This applies for jobs such as web design, programming, illustration, writing, marketing, consulting, legal work, engineering or if you are able to do any type of admin work, for example.
Travel (or any kind of) blogging.
You don’t make much but the earnings can help fund part of your travel.
Sell stuff online.
Whether it be handmade products or cool things you find along the way, gather them up and set up a website or an account on an online sales outlet and start selling away!
You usually don’t get paid but at least you don't have to pay for accommodation.
Cut hair.
Learn how to be a hairdresser and then use that skill along the way to cut people's hair wherever you stay.
Same principles apply as with cutting hair.
Bartending, restaurants, and cafe service jobs.
Again, like the hospitality industry, bar owners want a friendly face for their guests that can make them feel comfortable and talk to them.
Be a music teacher.
Play an instrument? You can use that skill to make some money by offering lessons.
Be a dance teacher or a yoga instructor.
Host classes to teach people how to Salsa or do yoga, or whatever you know.
Scuba Diving Instructor.
There's lots of great diving around Koh Phangan.
Sell Your Art & Crafts at Local Markets.
Make stuff along the way, set up a blanket on the street or at fairs or markets to display your goods, and sell your masterpieces.
There are websites online where you can upload photos and people buy them.
Be a writer.
You can write articles and sell them to online magazines.
Work on a boat.
See if yachts need a deckhand.
Be a translator or an editor.
You can correct businesses signs and menus and such. Or you can translate verbally or written documents.
Be a promoter.
Some businesses will pay commission if you bring them clients and guests.
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