Bike Safety Tips on Koh Phangan


הודעת שגיאה

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You’re here on the trip of a lifetime, you don’t want to hurt yourself or worse…

Use your common sense of course but here are some tips on keeping safe on the roads.
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You will see a lot of people driving around with no helmet but how long have you been driving a moped or motorbike?
Wearing a helmet will protect you if you have a fall or crash etc. Don’t ruin that beautiful head of yours.

Don’t drive too fast, it’s simple. If you’re on vacation then there should be no rush to get anywhere. If you do want to get somewhere for a certain time then try to give yourself a good amount of time to get there. Driving fast will cause you more damage if you get into an accident and can also panick other drivers.

Thailand Driving
This is a different culture, be aware that Thais may drive differently to you, in fact a lot of people will drive differently to you.
Some people will turn into a road without looking or indicating etc so be prepared for this. Again going slow will help with reactions to these situations.

Try not to get too close to other drivers, it can unnerve them. If someone passes by you then let them go.
Don’t cruise along with your friend driving next to you having a chat either, this is dangerous.

Be aware of taxi cars, they are generally more safe than bikes so will be travelling at a faster speed. Also be aware that there are lots more taxis around during full moon so don’t try to over take them as there could be another one or more in front.
Also if you are too drunk to drive then get a taxi to where you are going.

Indicate and check mirrors
Let other people know where you are going by using your indicators and check your mirrors regularly just in case someone is approaching fast, taking over or turning etc.

A few more points to think about -


  • Don’t try to take over five or so cars or bikes in a row.


  • Don’t wear headphones whilst driving, you need your hearing.


  • Wear some footwear


  • Make sure there is enough air in your tyres.


  • Be careful of sand.


  • Be aware of dogs, beep your horn to stop them going into the road.


  • Be careful of other things on the roads like fallen coconuts and branches.