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Name: Amonwan Dolly Mirpuri
D.O.B: June 18 1992 - 23 yrs old
Country: Thailand
Gender: Female
Occupation: Artist, Designer
Dolly was born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand and is half thai/indian. She was sent to an international school since the kindergarten.
"Growing up having both of my parents being originated from the best two places of culture (Thailand and India) and having been sent to an international school had really widened my horizons on cultural diversity".
Dolly grew up falling in love with the underground scene which led her to experiment and be involved with different subcultures.
"Whilst being an alternative rebel, I still had a strong ethnic base of hinduism and buddhism. Growing up wasn’t all unicorns and cotton candy. My childhood was basically glass shards. I was a lost and troubled kid who used art as a form of escapism".
“Amonwan Dolly Mirpuri is presenting a collection of modern artworks of cross-cultural symbolism, deeply inspired by the Truth, the purpose of divine being in ancient knowledge and the journey of self-realization.
The vastness of the Universe beyond makes us feel insignificant, and as we try to dwell deeper into the limitations of the outer world, we drift further apart from unlimited realm within us. Our body is enclosed by the limits and illusion of space, matter, and time, but there also exists an inner world, with all the answers we ever seek for.
With each answer we move closer to the ancient Truth, that we are all higher beings destined to achieve more in this world, to find each of our own purpose. This exhibition comes to inspire you to find your true self through modernistic manifestation of symbolism deeply inspired by the Truth, the purpose of divine being and the journey of self-realization in many ancient cultures and philosophies.”
You performed in Chomp Cafe in Bangkok on the 4th Sep. Tell us about that night and how do you express what is written in the above text about your art?
Symbolism. Symbolism is how I express my art. Symbolism from Hindu mythology mostly I would say, for now at least. Along with the art performance that was executed on that night.
You showcased six pieces. What do those pieces mean to you?
Light, Truth and meaning. I grow very attached to every piece of art I create and as a person who created it, it means a lot to me more than just cross cultured symbolism art pieces. With every sketch and every creation, I put a little of myself in the art pieces. I put my energy into it. And I do it with love. With every stroke of pencil I use to create the females in my art, it is drawn with adoration.
What do you wish they will mean to others?
I hope it will raise questions regarding their existence and their purpose. I really hope it triggers the questions regarding life and what truly matters. What lies beneath all this materialistic things that get us nowhere but further away from ourselves. I want my art to shed light and I want the audience to contemplate the art and its meaning behind it to get the most out of it. After all, art is supposed to make you feel something. What it will mean to them really depends on how they see it.
Together with your exhibition, you also make a performance. What can you tell us about that?
We had set up a chair in the middle of the gallery space where I am surrounded by my art pieces and a pair of scissors was placed on the table next to my seat. The lights dim and the visuals from the projector is projected on me. Construction by Nicolas Jaar starts playing and one minute into it, the red lights brighten and a bright light is shone onto me. The recorded vocal starts playing while “Construction” transitions to “Golden Arrow - Darkside”. My recorded voice over starts talking about time, impermanence of the body, and the permanence of the soul. A minute into it, my dearest friend, Deyan, stepped forward, cut a piece of my hair and passed the scissors on to the next person in the audience. After a while of getting my hair cut by the audience, finally, Koyaniqaatski (meaning unbalanced life) starts playing and my father steps forward to shave the rest of my hair. This symbolises him once again helping me into another stage of life. Transitioning me to higher state of growth.
The act of hair shaving is done by Sadhu's as a symbolism of asceticism. Asceticism describes a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from worldly pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. It also symbolises being indifferent to society like the deity, Shiva. It is also a shred of the old self, an act of progressing to another phase in life. Rebirth. Head shaving is also done by monks and nuns as an act of renunciation of appearance or vanity. It symbolises cutting off confusion, hostility and attachment.
I am definitely feeling a change, but change doesn't happen overnight. Change happens as a phase evolves. It is gradual. Since I have started this journey, I've felt change ever since and now that I have done this art performance, it is like a reassurance of my growth. I have now completed a stage of my life. Whatever I have done, I am done with. Whatever you focus on, you become.By focusing on my inner growth and consciousness, I hope to expand my consciousness and walk towards self realisation and focus on myself within instead of trying to focus my energy on the outer world. Because everything we are looking for, is inside of us. It is within us. Now I know what I want to do. I want to inspire people to create and love. I want them to vibrate on a higher energy.
A shaved head has different meanings. In Buddhism, it’s a symbolic ritualisation associated with death and rebirth. it also symbolises monastic purity.
Do you have other plans to perform or have exhibitions in Bangkok or in Thailand?
The next Art Exhibition should be around the beginning of next year. I’d like to take this time to do create more art and improve my skills. There are some projects I am currently working on that will be showcased this year as well but yet to be confirmed.
What projects are you currently involved with?
I am currently working on my clothing collection under the brandname called BLK:1.61 and I have a couple of projects that I will be collaborating with my fellow talented artists and designers.
What is the best thing you ever been involved with or done?
There isn’t anything in particular or any event that I would praise specifically. One thing leads to another. The way I’ve lived my life, the experiences and what ever that I have achieved or failed to achieve all in all have been one amazing event that have got me where I am today. This whole involvement is one. It is an ongoing process.
How did you get to where you are today and what is your life philosophy?
My dad had always taught me to work hard and be kind. And always be compassionate. Don’t judge. You never know what the other person is going through. And if you think it’s good, pursue it.
Is there something special you would like to communicate to the people regarding your art?
“But time is just an illusion. And we are all in the constant state of motion. All of our pasts, our future isn’t really what it seems to be. It’s the present. It has always been the present. We are here, in one place but constantly evolving. Our realities and surroundings, constantly warped by our thoughts and beliefs. We are always in the now. Every moment is a present. Tomorrow isn’t possible. Now is the only that exists and change is the only constant. Our realities, our worlds forever in an act of change , distorted by our experiences, expectations and vibrations. These are the values and outcome of the creative force of the thought. We are the creator of our world. The world governed by mind. Rise above.
The impermanence of the holographic universe and matter exists to draw attention to the permanence, us within.We are here in this illusion and we are lost swimming in the ocean of lies, but only to be found again. But why ? why must we be lost to return to where we are? But how will we know the highs if we’ve never tested the lows. How will we know we are going on the right path, if we have never been lost ? Rise Above.
We are in this world where everything is temporary. This minute is temporary. It soon will pass. Every moment is temporary. You and me, our bodies are temporary. It soon too shall pass. Our sadness, our joys, our problems, they all will pass. Our looks will fade and beauty will die. Do they matter ? Every second from now is a chance to create a new present. Shift our paradigm. Rise above.
But our souls are permanent. The mind is present. Our consciousness is indefinite. All mind is one. As there is only one consciousness in the Universe. The only consciousness which is the binding force of all life. We are one. Us within. Our souls, the unchanging principle. All things are parallel, corresponding and impermanent. One yearns for that which is absolute, permanent and independent of all contexts. That is the soul - soul whose sleep leads to destruction and whose awakening leads to creation, whose observation gives light and color to the world. Shape. The discovery of the one who creates the world, is the purpose of life. We are only born to die again. We too are God, Gods that have yet to discover the truths of ourselves.”- Amonwan Dolly MirpuriIf
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