Some Science Behind Koh Phangan’s Weather


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We can’t escape that it’s been an unusually long ‘rainy season’ here in the Gulf of Thailand but here at Phanganist HQ we’ve tried to keep you all entertained as usual and in fact the island has still seen many visitors to ‘party or not to party’.

We decided to pull out our lab coats and do a bit of research into why this weather has been happening, now none of us are science boffs or anything so we have to go by what we can find out on this world wide web of ours so please bear with us when it comes to scientific references or names, we are doing our best with these little brains of ours…

So apparently from what we can gather, the weather is caused by ‘La Nina’ which is the opposite of ‘El Nino’.

The definition of this is;

‘A cooling of the water in the equatorial pacific that occurs at regular intervals and is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns complementary to El Nino but less extensive and damaging’.

Another cause we have read is that there is a moderate high pressure over the Northeast of Thailand and the South China Sea so this is what induces a stronger monsoon down here in the Gulf and South of the country.

Basically the water cools in the sea creating the high pressure which pushes the rain down on us… we think?

Fear not though! It looks like we are through the worst of it and you can make the most of the cloudy skies by reading many of our tips on what to do when it rains and also what to look out for (because you know we care for your safety!)

Be patient Phanganists, we have looked to our magic stones and called out the mightiest of gods and we can predict the sun will appear in the next few days (disclaimer; this is not scientific).