We Travel Together campaign adjusted to promote domestic tourism till end of year


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In order to promote domestic travel in the final quarter, the Ministers of Finance and Tourism and Sports are planning to prolong and change the parameters of the We Travel Together tourism initiative before the end of the year. 

The domestic tourism stimulus program, launched on July 15, is part of the government's attempt to spur domestic travel since due to the Covid-19 pandemic, international tourists are still prohibited from entering the world. 

At 40 percent of usual room prices, the government subsidizes 5 million nights of hotel lodging, with the discount being restricted to 3,000 baht a night for up to five nights. The other 60 percent is accountable to visitors. 

Subsidies are set at 600 baht per room per night for other facilities, including food. The subsidized tourism facilities would operate outside the home provinces of the tourists and are restricted to 40 percent of real costs, with the remainder being charged by tourists. 

The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, said that earlier sluggish redemption of the domestic stimulus scheme could be partially due to tourist reticence as they expected further rights in the second process. 

According to the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) Director-General Lavaron Sangsnit, about 1.2 million rooms have been utilized by individuals in the program. 

The private sector has suggested-the government subsidy from 40 percent to 60 percent for hotel rooms and enabling individuals to obtain tourism incentives for travel in provinces where they are enrolled as citizens without needing to book three days before the date of travel. 

In general, the FPO agrees, but more consultations with relevant public bodies in the field of tourism are required, said Mr Lavaron. 

The latest expansion of the We Fly Together initiative corresponds with two newly accepted long weekend holidays by the cabinet. 

The first break is Nov 19-22, with public holidays declared for the 19th and 20th. Originally, in December, the 7th was a holiday instead of the 5th, Father's Day, which fell on Saturday, although it is postponed to the 11th to establish a 10-13 Dec long holiday. Dec 10 is the Day of

Source Bangkok Post