Attendance at the EXPAT Travel Deal 2020 driven by majority of women


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From 11 to 13 September 2020, the 'Expat Travel Deal 2020' organized by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) saw the majority participation of women tourists, demonstrating the importance of women as decision-makers in the choice of travel destinations. 

The festival, the first of its type to target nearly three million expatriates in Thailand, was held at the EmQuartier shopping mall in Bangkok's Quartier Gallery. To inspire them to travel more domestically and experience Thailand's many attractions, it was planned to deliver domestic tourism promotions. 

The event reported a total of 9,957 tourists, creating an immediate revenue of 7,427,021 Baht, according to a TAT survey. 53% of the tourists were females and 47% were men. Many of the participants were in the industry and commercial careers, but they also featured foreign ambassadors and teachers from Thailand's international colleges. 

The preferred destinations were: South Thailand 31%, North Thailand 28%, Eastern Thailand: 15%, Northeast 14%, and Central Thailand 11%. 

The favored discounts were: 49% Room Discount, 32% Special Airfare, 12% Free Transfers, and 6% Others. 

Mr. Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing (Asia and South Pacific) said, “We are very pleased with this initial effort and plan to do more to reach out to the large expatriate population, many of whom have strong links with the kingdom and who express great love for Thailand and its people.” 

As of June 2020, according to the Department of Jobs, Ministry of Labor, there were a total of 2,459,785 foreigners with authorization to work in Thailand. 155,193 qualified workers (investors, consultants, professional craftsmen, and BOI) and 25,110 international students are included in the number. 

The Expat Travel Deal 2020 showcased travel products and services from all five regions of Thailand (North, Central, South, East, and Northeast), demonstrations of local arts and crafts making skills; such as ceramic bead bracelets and Thai reed mats, as well as tourism-related talk sessions. 

Michelin-starred hotels, fitness and wellbeing centers, airlines, golf courses, and the Alipay payments platform were among the participating organizations. Travel agencies offered customized travel packages at discounted rates. To be qualified for exclusive discounts at the event, ex-pat attendees had to show documentation. 

Mr. Chattan said that a variety of other promotional events, including joint deals with Alipay, travel firms headquartered in Thailand, and airlines, will be launched by TAT. In addition, they would be marketed in combination with familiarisation trips for international media participants and representatives of global travel firms in Thailand. 

Information promotion through online and offline newspapers for ex-pats in Thailand may involve other types of advertisement, based on companies that are accredited for the Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) norm.
