Chon Buri most popular destination for domestic tourism


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Although the take-up of incentives provided under the domestic travel stimulus package from the government is lower than anticipated, Chon Buri is proving a success. The Pattaya News notes that under the "We Travel Together" rebate program almost 34,000 room bookings were made at hotels in the eastern province. This is more popular with domestic tourists than in other seaside destinations, such as Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan and Cha-Am, although Chon Buri still fares better than northern destinations such as Chiang Mai.


The stimulus plan of the country, intended to kick-start domestic tourism while a ban is in place on international tourists, provides discounts on hotel reservations and internal flights. Over 4.6 million Thais have registered to use the travel opportunities, with so far more than 620,000 hotel room reservations made. Which falls just short of the 5 million room nights on offer too.


At present, the plan is only open to Thai nationals, while appeals have been made for it to be expanded to foreigners living in the Country.
