An urgent operation to help sea turtles around Koh Tae, the island near Thong sala


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An urgent operation to recover the coral reef in the main area of Koh Tae Nok. Koh Tea Nok is the furthest of the two islands located near Thong Sala and there are many sea turtles living around in the coral environment. 

Koh Phangan rescue teams were informed 2-3 days ago about the urgent issue, and there was an emergency meeting including Core Sea, Phangan Sea Guardian, All About Koh Phangan, and the officers from national parkin order to handle the crisis.

The volunteers went out diving around Koh Tae Nok coral reef, cut the nets recovered some parts of the reef. 

They found that there are many fisherman nets, both old and new, at the bottom of the sea, but due to the heavy rain and wind, the team has to withdraw back after the first set of cleaning and plan to recover the rest after the weather will get better.