Weaving dreams

3 Apr 19:00

Seeds of Dreams

Weaving Dreams
Live Music evenings at Seeds of Dreams
Every Wednesday evening
19:00 to 20:30

Seeds of Dreams
Entry to
Weaving Dreams
live music evenings is free, however, donations are appreciated, as they help us support and promote Island’s artists.
Seeds of Dreams is thrilled to present "Weaving Dreams," a series of live music evenings that are not typical concerts, and we can't call them background music. It's about following the flow of sound, tuning ourselves to the subtle voices within, and to the melodies that our hearts play, helping us find our own paths.
The concept of "Weaving Dreams" draws inspiration from the spiritual traditions of the Philippines. T'nalak weaving is an artisanal and sacred practice, carried out by women known as "dream weavers." It is believed that the elements and patterns in T'nalak are sourced from the dreams of these women and handed down by the goddess Fu Dalu, the spirit of the sacred abaca plant.
Let this image guide us as we weave our dreams through music, through cacao, connecting our souls and creating new stories in the tapestry of our beautiful Island.
We hope that our evenings will provide a space for us to explore our desires, aspirations, and creative thoughts, allowing our minds to wander freely and explore uncharted territories of imagination.
Mannu will create and perform original improvised musical landscapes, a source of inspiration and self-discovery for all of us. Let the guitar and cacao guide us into inner realms. Come to listen, sip, daydream, and fly together in a cozy and intimate setting, where dreams are nurtured and artistic expressions are celebrated.
Entry to "Weaving Dreams" live music evenings is free, however, donations are appreciated, as they help us support and promote Island’s artists

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