Inner Child Healing

24 Feb 10:00

Yoga House


Transform your relationship with yourself and with others into a loving and harmonious space within 2-days.

Join this 2-day immersion to establish a beautiful and harmonious relationship with yourself. This journey will allow you to connect to your true authentic self that feels confident to express your needs. This will not only the relationship to self but also to others to be able to connect lovingly.

During these two days, we will mainly work with Inner Child Healing.

✨What is Inner Child Healing:
Inner Child Healing looks at the parts and moments of your childhood that carry unmet needs. You might have experienced moments when you have felt unsafe, unworthy, unseen or unheard. Inner Child Healing guides you back to these moments to reparent yourself to create a lot of freedom within.

✨Why is Inner Child Healing so important:
These moments of unmet needs create an imprint in our system that plays out in belief systems, emotional reactions and behavioural patterns that were useful in the past but hold us back in the present moment. To step into freedom, peace and joy we can work on these imprints to let them go and replace them with pure love to be able to navigate life from a completely different energy and perspective.

✨How it can help yourself and others:
Inner Child Healing can help you to overcome stress, anxiety and depression as well as limiting beliefs and blockages to realise your dreams. You will learn how to apply this method to yourself but also how to share it with others to guide them to more freedom.

Optional: You can be certified with The School of Light after practicing 10 hours after the training and handing in your practice video to receive final feedback and the graduation.

🗓️ The Schedule:
Friday 24th February: 10.00-17.00
* Learn what Inner Child Healing is and why it is so important
* Receive Inner Child Healing
* Lunch break
* Learn how to practice Inner Child Healing for yourself incl. Practice time
* Sharing & Reflection

Saturday 25th February: 10.00-17.00
* Receive Inner Child Healing
* Learn how to practice Inner Child Healing with others incl. Practice time
* Lunch break
* Guided Practice time
* Sharing & Reflection

📍The Location:
The Yoga House

💸 The Price:
7.000 thb EARLY BIRD till 14.02.2024
10.000 thb full price
Tickets available here:

The space is limited to 10 participants to guarantee a high level of guidance, feedback and intimacy.

About the facilitator:
Mona is an expert in Holistic Healing and guides people back to their authentic selves. She has been practicing for more than a decade and trains people worldwide to become facilitators for Holistic Healing in the School of Light.

I am excited to go on this journey with you,