Loyfa BetterLife Retreats - Live Happy!



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The Loyfa BetterLife programs are designed to give you the tools to create a happier life.  To help you achieve a state of happiness, contentment and joy in the path that you have chosen; Your career, Your family, yourself.

To be present. To participate in the life you’ve built.

To clear away confusion so you can see what, in your life, is truly contributing to your wellbeing and what may need to change to achieve a higher level of happiness. Through understanding, realization and awakening you start to claim who you are, what you are and where you are; bringing peace to your mind and healing to your body.

BetterLife retreats will help you achieve balance in your life. You will find that your family life is more at ease, your job more enjoyable, your relationships experience less conflict and Financial burdens will seem to be less stressful.

Nothing will ever be perfect, but all of us need to be able to discern the difference between what makes us happy in our lives and what we can change to improve our happiness. These changes can be simple. As simple as just learning to listen. To be in this moment. To commit to experiencing this moment.

BetterLife Daily Classes
BetterLife Yoga and meditation retreat packages range from 3 to 10 days, and can be personalized to suit your individual needs.  Build a selection of daily offerings which work for you.

Morning Meditation
Our day begins in silence within our rustic wooden shala set amidst the trees.  Originating from the Zen tradition, participants are taken through a process of sitting, standing and walking meditations.  This natural series of movements encourages an embodied awareness, allowing the mind to gently become more calm, connected and quiet.  With this approach to mediation, one learns to integrate meditation into every aspect of daily life.

Join us in our beautiful new yoga shala overlooking the bay for our morning and afternoon schedule. Start your day with our gentle morning hatha classes.  Designed to fit perfectly into one hour, these classes will awaken your mind, body and Spirit to the day that unfolds.
Our afternoon schedule offers a mix of restorative and yin classes.  Accessible to all levels these classes work to deeply relax the body and still the mind.  As we move more into this state of being, we create space to connect with our natural qualities of compassion and understanding; of both ourselves and others.

Yoga Nidra (The Yoga of Sleep),
The yoga of sleep is a guided meditation which takes the practitioner into the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness, inducing a hypnagogic state, that which comes just prior to falling asleep.  Research supports this practice as beneficial in stress reduction, anxiety and sleep disorders as well as enhanced memory and improved brain function.

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing)
In the yoga tradition, the breath is said to carry a person's life force.  Learn how to tap into yours in our daily pranayama sessions. Pranayama teaches you the art of extending your breath in many different ways.  A variety of techniques will be introduced both in theory and practice. Add a few more tools into your wellbeing toolbox with this wonderful class.

Evening Dharma Talks
Twice weekly talks are given by our Dharma Patron, Phra Ajahn Olarn.  This is a unique opportunity to listen to an authentic Buddhist monk discuss how the ancient teachings can be applied to modern day life.  A charming and enigmatic individual, his talks are guaranteed to inspire!

Other Programs
Private Yoga Classes         
Aquatic Therapies
Thai Culture Classes
Creative Arts
Children’s Program
Personal Therapeutic Consultations
Tai Chi / Qigong / Kalari

If you are intersted in joining or for more information on Loyfa BetterLife Retreats you can see their website here.