The Sanctuary



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The Sanctuary located on Haad Tien beach and offersmany body healing treatments, yoga and onther courses.
The hotel's unique architecture incorporating old style that roofs with buildings built in and around rock. It’s a beach resort but also has yoga, wellness cleansing, spa, workshops, classes and natural healing therapies.
Named “The most brilliant, quirky and unique” by Time Out.
Hailed as “Truly magical with an excellent reputation” by The Times of London.




Yoga is an ancient art of self-development, used for thousands of years for physical health, mental well-being and spiritual fulfillment. The system is complete and comprehensive in its nature, utilizing body, breath, mind and spirit as tools for transformation. Modern practice involves mainly asanas (postures) and breath to build good health and harmonious functioning of the whole being.

A detox is any process that helps you remove toxins from your system.
A cleanse is any process that makes one clean .A fast is a period of time without ingesting any food.
All of the programmes are detoxifying and cleansing, though the only our signature Detox involve fasting (the Gentle Cleanse and the Raw Fest both include eating).

Pilates & Fitness
In addition to our Yoga classes, we can offer privates of pilates and fitness sessions on request if we have teachers available.
Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s as a method of physical exercise that uses the mind to control the muscles and increase their strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination.  Focus is placed on developing strong core muscles to greatly improve the efficiency and flow of all body movements.  Pilates assists to develop longer, leaner muscles, relieve back pain and refresh the mind and body.
The classes will teach you the importance of proper breathing to increase oxygen circulation and execute body movements with maximum power and efficiency.  You will learn simple and effective exercises that can be integrated into your daily routine.


Hot stone massage, aromatherapy massage, traditional thai massage, relaxing oil Massage - Aroma Infusion and deep Tissue Neck and Shoulder - Oil Massage.

The Wellness & Detox Center has created specially designed rooms* for Detox and Colonics. We now have 6 rooms all different to suit your needs (including Sanctuary Gardens): Thai-Style with fans, Villa Air-con room, Deluxe Air-con room and the Deluxe Faster’s Dormitory. If not in use for Detox these rooms can be rented by resort guests (non fasters).

Body Treatment
Sea salt body glow, body scrubr, body polish dry skin brush, manicure & pedicure and cold wax treatment.

Facial and Hair Treatment
Facial deep ceansing & lifting facial, hair treatment, hot coconut oil “Hairapy” and  treats for dry damaged hair.


Teacher Training Courses

200-300 hours of yoga teacher training.



The Sanctuary have a brilliant and bewildering array of accommodation available for you.
2 kinds of accommodation: bookable and non-bookable.
Detox Accommodation is prioritized and subsidized for detoxers – however, the regular guests are also welcome to stay here, subject to availability.